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Conference Chair / Research Papers Chair

Rudy Hirschheim
Tenneco/Chase International Professor of Information Systems
College of Business Administration
University of Houston
Houston, TX. USA 77204-6282
Phone: (713) 743-4692
Fax: (713) 743-4693
e-mail: rudy@uh.edu
or: hirschheim@acm.org

Conference Chair

Armin Heinzl
Chair of Informations Systems (BWL VII)
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30
D-95440 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 921-552807
Fax: +49 921-552216
e-mail: heinzl@uni-bayreuth.de

Conference Organizer

Jens Dibbern
Department of Informations Systems (BWL VII)
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30
D-95440 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 921-553518
Fax: +49 921-552216
e-mail: jens.dibbern@uni-bayreuth.de

Electronic Publicity Chairs

Jens Dibbern

Andreas Gaube

University of Bayreuth University of Bayreuth - Department of Informations Systems (BWL VII) Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum für Fragen der mittelständischen Wirtschaft e.V.

Last update: 16.07.2001

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